Giardia Lamblia

A Giardia infection is a well known infection caused by Giardia Lamblia. The symptoms varies and can be everything from no symptoms to diarrhea, stomach pain, tiredness and other gastrointestinal issues.
Giardia Lamblia #2
A Giardia infection is a well known infection caused by Giardia Lamblia. The symptoms varies and can be everything from no symptoms to diarrhea, stomach pain, tiredness and other gastrointestinal issues.
Dientamöba Fragilis

D Fragilis is a very common parasite that can infect both adults and children. Children are more often symptomatic that adults. Common symptoms with people with a D Fragilis infection are diarrhea and stomach pains – these can be either sporadic och chronic.
Blastocystis Spp

Blastocystis spp is a few different variants of the Blastocystis family. These parasites can cause inflammation and other gastrointestinal issues, such as stomach pain, bloating and excessive gas. It is though common to not have any symptoms. It is possible that symptoms may change depending on the duration of the infection.

Entamoeba Histolytica is an anaerobic parasitic amoebozoan, part of the genus Entamoeba, that can cause dysenteri, diarrhea and aslo be free of symptoms for the host.

An infection of Cryposporidium Parvum needs to be handled diligently – depending on local rules and regulations. It is very common to get symptoms from this parasite – and it usually gets handled by the hosts immune response. It can be dangerous for people with a compromised immune response.